Weekly Astrology Update: Monday, March 22 - Sunday, March 28
Happy Sunday, All!
I love to read the weekly astrology forecasts from Astrolore. I’ve been reading them for years and following her astrological guidance to navigate my way through the subtle energies of our universe.
I began studying astrology with her a couple of years ago, and she is now my astrology mentor. With her permission, I’ve summarized her weekly guidance for you to enjoy. You can find a link to the full forecast and Astrolore’s website here. I can’t recommend her services enough.
Monday: The moon is in Cancer today. Enjoy it by connecting with your warmth and sensitivity. Nurture others, create emotional security, and form loving connections.
Build Awareness: Are you feeling the need to offer protection to another, or to raise awareness that others need protection? Pay attention to the ways you are being called to be a voice for necessary reform in order to protect those who need protection. If you have your journal handy, take a few minutes to write about it. (Tip for later reflection: Remember to write the date on your entry!)
Tuesday: The moon remains in the comfort-seeking sign of Cancer, bringing your attention to caring for and protecting the ones you love. If you find yourself being pulled into power dynamics around 11:30 am, stay away from the bait! Taking it could create problems for the rest of the day. By evening the Moon will be in Leo, and you may feel the need to express yourself. If something is bothering you, do your best to express it in simple terms and without malice.
Act Deliberately: Notice that when you express generosity, it is returned to you like a boomerang, bringing warmth and delight to you and others.
Wednesday: This morning, the Leo Moon makes a challenging aspect to Uranus, the planet of freedom. If you find yourself compelled to throw caution to the wind and express the most unpredictable side of yourself, do what you must to hold steady and wait to see what the rest of the day brings. Around 1:40 pm, the Moon makes a challenging aspect to Saturn, pulling you in a very different direction.
Pause and Reflect: Today you may feel yourself being pulled in two very powerful and very different directions - excitement calls you to move one way, and caution urges you to move in another. Look for the middle path. If you can’t find it, taking no action is preferable to choosing one way or another.
Thursday: Enjoy the day with the Moon in Leo. Dance, play, express yourself, and express your joy. As the day draws to a close, the Moon will move into Virgo. Tomorrow you can express yourself in more practical ways.
Act Deliberately: Have fun on purpose today!
Friday: Early this morning the Sun joined with Venus. Focus on love and harmony today. There will be plenty of opportunity to connect easily with others in ways that bring you contentment and joy.
Contemplate: While the Moon is in Virgo, consider how you can be of practical service to others, through your actions or your financial support.
Saturday: Check out the Moon tonight. She’s almost full! With the Moon still in Virgo, your focus is on how you can be of service in ordinary ways.
Act Deliberately: Do something to make someones day a little easier or brighter.
Sunday: This afternoon at 2:48 pm EDT is the Full Moon in Libra. Schedule extra time for self-care, because we tend to sleep less on the Full Moon.
Reflect: Consider what you began at the Pisces New Moon on March 13th, and look for the illumination of the seed you planted then. Then think 6 months back to the Libra New Moon on October 16, 2020. Something you put much effort into over the last six months is paying off now.
Enjoy your week!