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I’m healing from rape culture and working to eradicate it.

How I Aligned My Life with the Moon to Live More Intuitively

How I Aligned My Life with the Moon to Live More Intuitively

It All Started with a Commitment to Myself

A few years ago, I became deeply committed to the idea of becoming my most natural self, because I knew that it would make my life feel easier to live. Prior to this, I spent a decade working in finance - living and breathing [unnatural] financial market cycles, living and breathing the patriarchy, and feeling stuck in a robotic and endless cycle of consumption.

I left that life because I was completely burned out, and I committed to living more creatively, more intentionally, and in alignment with my truth.

I wanted to be exactly who I was deep down inside me, but without all the limiting beliefs I picked up over the course of my life by listening to fear-driven advice from well-meaning others.

There were many “natural me” experiments. Some went really poorly, but most have stuck with me and become more and more useful and powerful over time.

Aligning with the Moon to Nurture My Nature

One of my natural experiments worked so well that it has become a lifestyle for me. By aligning my life with the cycles of the Moon, I have learned to nurture my feminine nature, my creative nature, and my intuitive nature. I have also become much more comfortable with the natural cycle of life - from creation, to maintenance, to destruction and ultimately transformation.

All lifeforms in nature, humans included, exist within an essential life cycle of birth, growth, death, and regeneration.

The Moon’s monthlong dance with the Sun tells a similar story of birth, growth, abundance, decay, rebirth, and growth once again.  

For about two and a half years, and I’ve been learning to align my life with the cycles of the Moon, and I’ve been “tracking” the monthly progress for about 15 months at this point. (By “tracking,” I mean that I write my monthly intentions in my We’Moon journal and track the journey of my dreams as they sprout, blossom, and sometimes die so that they can be reborn.)

Working with the energy of the Moon’s cycles is the best way I know to slowly and steadily make your innermost dreams your reality. It is also a great way to heal from any mental or emotional trauma you may have experienced at any point in your life. I have done both, so I know that it’s possible.

If you are healing, you know that healing is not linear. Healing works in cycles, just like the Moon.

When we act as though nature’s cycles don’t affect us, we find ourselves stressed out, burned out, and disconnected from ourselves. That’s exactly where I was when I heeded the call to sync my life with the cycles of the Moon.

How I Work With the Moon Cycle

The Moon makes a complete cycle every 29 and a half days. The beginning of each cycle is marked by the New Moon - a period of time when the Moon is completely dark in the sky, and no light from the Sun is reflected off her surface.

With the Moon representing our unconscious mind and emotions, and the Sun representing our conscious mind, the total darkness of the New Moon offers us an opportunity to go deep within and connect to a place that can be felt, but not seen. Some may call this our intuitive mind, our nature, our instinctual self, or our true self. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s quite accessible at the New Moon.

At each New Moon I make the time and space to connect with my intuition. I plant seeds of intention, and I commit to gathering the information I need to begin taking action in alignment with that intention.

Two weeks later at the Full Moon, I can see the conscious manifestation of the seed I planted from my unconscious, intuitive mind. For the next week or so, I travel with what has come to be, and I speak and write about whatever it is I feel guided to share.

When the Moon nears the end of her cycle, we reach the Dark Moon phase. During the Dark Moon, I turn my attention toward letting go of all that I will need to release in order to rest my soil, so that it can be infused with the fresh energy of the next cycle when it begins. If you are interested in working more with Dark Moon energy, check out this Dark Moon post I wrote.

Living with intention, and living in alignment with the Moon’s cycles, has helped me to find my rhythm, my flow, and a deep and meaningful connection to myself.

Adding Another Layer - The Birth Chart

At first I was just cycling with the Moon, planting seeds of intention to match the energy of the sign of the Moon. When the New Moon was in Aries, I planted a seed of courage. When the New Moon was in Taurus, I planted a seed to stabilize. This worked well enough.

But the more I learned, the more curious I became, and eventually I reached out to a Master Astrologer to learn more about how to work with the energy of the Moon and the Planets and the Stars.

I learned about the twelve houses in an astrological birth chart, and I learned that each month at the New Moon, I could get even more intentional about the life I was creating by planting a seed of intention in the specific area of my life that the New Moon was infusing with new energy. Amazing, right? That knowledge made life even better and clearer over time.

The Ultimate Benefit of Living In Alignment with the Moon’s Cycles

My monthly practice of living in alignment with the Moon as she cycles has taught me how to conserve my life force energy, my creative power, so that I can use it to grow and unfold all of the possibilities that are available to me in this lifetime. The Moon has taught me to balance activity and rest. To balance creation and destruction. To build awareness of the thoughts that drain me and distract me. To let go of distractions and find my flow.

All that lives resonates to the steady beat of the Moon and the Sun, playing and replaying the pattern of life as it creates, fulfills, and destroys itself, only to be reborn anew.  

Interested in Aligning Your Life to the Moon’s Cycles?

I’d love to help you!

I’m starting a Facebook Community where I’ll offer holistic healing guidance for each phase of the moon cycle. We’ll set monthly intentions and I’ll keep you aware of which phase we are in so that you can get clearer on what kind of messages to look out for.

I highly recommend planting seeds of intention and commitment in the house the New Moon falls in. Doing this has brought balance to my life on the whole. Each month I plant a seed in a different one of the twelve areas of my life, and every year I find that I have lived intentionally in every area of my life!

If you know the time, date, and location of your birth, send me your info and we can schedule time to sit down and talk about your birth chart. I’m an astrology student, so my rates are affordable. We’ll talk about your sun sign, your moon sign, your rising sign, and I’ll help you to become familiar with the twelve houses in your birth chart and how to work with it to co-create your dream life in alignment with your truth.

8:8 Lion's Gate Leo New Moon - Astrological Update, Intention Setting, & Journaling

8:8 Lion's Gate Leo New Moon - Astrological Update, Intention Setting, & Journaling

Working with Dark Moon Energy to Manage Transitions - Discussion and Journaling Prompts

Working with Dark Moon Energy to Manage Transitions - Discussion and Journaling Prompts